The T.R.A.N.C.E Method

Just as plants grow, heal, and strengthen by attuning to the cycles of sunlight, water, and soil, our bodies can experience vitality and peak performance by harmonizing with the natural energies and forces around us. In Qigong, we align with the flow of Qi—life force energy—similar to how plants absorb nutrients and transform light into growth. By moving with attention and natural cycles, we cultivate resilience and inner strength, tapping into the vital rhythms that nourish body, mind and spirit. . This attunement of connecting deeply with the flow of Qi allows our bodies to heal, rejuvenate, and thrive in balance with the world around us.
Why trance?
Since ancient times, indigenous cultures have recognized trance states as a powerful means of connecting with the natural world and the deeper layers of human consciousness. Through ritual practices in Bon Shamanism, tibetan cultures have entered altered states that allow the mind and body to align with the natural flow of energy present in the environment. In these states, practitioners often experience heightened awareness, spiritual visions, and a sense of unity with the earth and cosmos. This alignment fosters healing, strengthens the body, and restores harmony between the individual and the world around them, helping to maintain physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. As practices of qigong are passed down through generations, they continue to reflect a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all life and the importance of maintaining balance with nature’s rhythms.
Since ancient times, indigenous cultures have recognized trance states as a powerful means of connecting with the natural world and the deeper layers of human consciousness. Through ritual practices in Bon Shamanism, tibetan cultures have entered altered states that allow the mind and body to align with the natural flow of energy present in the environment. In these states, practitioners often experience heightened awareness, spiritual visions, and a sense of unity with the earth and cosmos. This alignment fosters healing, strengthens the body, and restores harmony between the individual and the world around them, helping to maintain physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. As practices of qigong are passed down through generations, they continue to reflect a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all life and the importance of maintaining balance with nature’s rhythms.
Everyone is required to have a soma assessment before booking any program. The cost of the assessment will be subtracted from the cost of the program.
3 Month Program
Discover the confidence to seize opportunities formerly beyond the edge of your comfort zone using the revolutionary methods of qigong coaching. Learn the tools to overcome any obstacle through fundamental principles of body mechanics, energy awareness, and harmonious culture of movement. Each principle is embodied for greater clarity over your real life challenges.
In under 3 months you'll discover how to integrate your qigong practice into a lifestyle.
Living in the flow requires MOVING with the flow.
Discover the confidence to seize opportunities formerly beyond the edge of your comfort zone using the revolutionary methods of qigong coaching. Learn the tools to overcome any obstacle through fundamental principles of body mechanics, energy awareness, and harmonious culture of movement. Each principle is embodied for greater clarity over your real life challenges.
In under 3 months you'll discover how to integrate your qigong practice into a lifestyle.
Living in the flow requires MOVING with the flow.
This course is broken into 12 weeks. Each week will have specific principles. The sequence will be as follows:
Just like when tuning a radio dial, our body will tune into certain frequencies. Sometimes we fall asleep at the dial and tune into dissonant frequencies. This frequency becomes our personal reality and because this frequency is different from what we are used to, we begin experiencing symptoms of pain and tension. If this tension and pain goes unresolved, we eventually identify with this way of being along with the specific body aches and pains that come with it which holds us back in an unconscious cycle of suffering.
How would it feel to break free of what’s holding you back?
Discover your primary holding pattern of tension that keep you stuck in unconscious cycles. Identify the states of being expressed by your pattern and what triggers them. Gain new insights over your tension and stress by integrating principles of energy awareness and body alignment.
Holding Patterns
- Acceptance for current misalignment
- Recognize form for what it is without identifying with it
Somatic Release
- Guided movements specific to releasing you from the grip of your pattern.
If tension is simply dissonant energy then based on our level of body tension we can start gauging what we resonate with and don’t resonate with. This practice of discernment helps us navigate our relationship to our body and its energy field with greater awareness. Eventually we become more attuned to dissonant energy around us and stop struggling with the flow both internally and externally.
What would it do for you to not only navigate the demands of daily life with grace but develop the inner power to face your toughest challenges?
Learn the body alignment principles that counteract your body’s response to the helplessness, rage and collapse that are part of stress. Become more powerful and learn how to go with the flow while discovering a more centered and grounded body.
Natural Stance
- Building a healthy relationship with present moment
- Relax under pressure
Push test
- Power vs Force
- Align with the flow
- Be responsive rather than reactive
- Inner power is attained by discernment and surrender.
Through discernment we can stop struggling against the flow, transform pain and navigate all challenges in our environment with ease.
Would you like to live a pain-free life?
Implement effective methods to release muscle tension that creates energy blockages in the body. Explore strength training exercises to build your vital energy.
Harmonious Strength training
- Root causes of ill health are energy blockages
- Energy blockages are the result of tension
- Tension is a sign of weakness
- Strengthening muscles removes energy blockages and facilitates free flow of energy
Healing magic of touch
- Self agency is the prerequisite to self mastery.
- Manual tension release methods
Our environment is the natural world. Being a part of nature ourselves, we can even intuitively align to the natural flow and use it to propel us in the direction of our dreams.
What would life be like with a strong intuition?
Practice the art of “Qi Dao Yi Dao” (where energy flows attention goes) following your inner guidance. Learn how to correct and avoid spinal abnormalities.
Natural steps & your holding pattern
- Align with the flow
- Inner power is driven by discernment and surrender.
- Natural Steps to avoid struggling against gravity
As we align with natural cycles it balances and harmonizes our body and its energy field.
How would it feel to experience freedom in your range of motion without restrictions?
This experiential practice will help you develop better coordination between the right and left sides of the body and correct any imbalances. Explore movement formerly beyond the edges of your comfort zone without injury or overwhelm. Surpass the limitations imposed by pain and discomfort by shifting your approach towards those edges.
Harmonious culture of movement
- You are the way you move.
Sending waves through the body to preserve energy and generate power
- Embodying peak performance
Through a unified energy field we experience flow and peak performance on command. This maximizes our energy can create states of ecstasy.
How would it feel to maximize your energy?
Connect to the essence (inner nature) of qigong, tai chi or martial arts through the principles of yin and yang. Discover how to double your impact using whole body power. Establish authenticity in your qigong or martial arts through the practice of empowerment.
Energy projections
- Make an impact via strikes
- Expressing your holding pattern through kicks
- Applications of forward push and backward pull
-Workshops -
Healing Pains and Holding Patterns
Would you like to live a pain-free life?
In this workshop you will learn effective methods to release muscle tension. Explore how pain can be a powerful teacher on the path of healing. Discover your holding patterns while identifying the psychological states of being behind them, learn how to avoid and correct spinal abnormalities and experience natural flow of energy.
Harmonious Culture of Movement
How would it feel to experience freedom in your range of motion without restrictions?
This movement practice will help you correct imbalances and develop better communication between the right and the left sides of the body. Through the principles learned here you will discover that creating a more balanced, grounded, and centered physical body is well within your reach. This workshop will combine principles of body mechanics and energy awareness to promote the use of inner power, rather than relying on physical force.
Integral Martial Arts
Would you like to learn how to maximize your energy and start using your inner power, rather than relying on physical force?
Whether you are a beginner or seasoned practitioner the foundation of this 4 week series will revolutionize your stress management. These sessions can be used as a guide to enhancing your abilities regardless of whether you are a beginner or a seasoned practitioner. This course will introduce you to the fundamental principles of body mechanics, energy awareness, and harmonious culture of movement that are universally applicable. Discover for yourself how to become more responsive and less reactive to improve your overall quality of life.